潤鼓企業股份有限公司 成立於1997年,創廠至今已擁有極豐富的生產與製造經驗 。
我們抱持著精益求精的精神,逐步添購精密量測儀器,精密複合式CNC車床,並於2011年通過ISO 9001品質驗證,以因應市場及客戶需求並獲得日本知名大廠的肯定成為其長期配合供應商之一,以及國內外大廠Sony , TDK,Asus, Acer等豐富訂單經驗。
研發創新、品質專精和熱忱服務為潤鼓經營之核心理念;更以優良品質 、合理價格、準時交貨,為公司永續經營的目標。在堅持品質的理念下,以客戶的時間就是金錢的服務速度,以守時守信的態度,將客戶之產品準時完整呈現於客戶眼中,為客戶創造永垂不朽之佳績。
潤鼓使用電腦作業系統,將其庫存、銷售、生產、訂單等作業以電腦管理, 減少人為疏失,產品完整分類與規格尺寸之建立,隨時為客戶提供貴賓式之產 品與服務,而且價格合理,與客戶共創雙贏的合作關係。
Company Profile
Established in 1997, Rungu Co., is your trusted partner with many years of production and manufacturing experience.
Started as an automatic lathe machine maker, Rungu introduces secondary processing machines and specialize in the production of metal processing accessories such as fasteners, spacers and standoffs, remote control car parts, vehicle parts, PIN needles, and CNC lathe machines for use in D-SUB connectors and computer peripherals.
We relentlessly pursue continuous improvement and excellence, and have become ISO 9001 certified company in 2011. Over the years, Rungu has purchased several precision measuring instruments and precision CNC lathe machines in meeting future market and customer demands.
Having continuous innovation, quality assurance and dedicated services in mind, Rungu strives to maintain sustainability by providing products with the highest quality, speedy deliveries, and the best prices. Our consistent quality philosophy and customer promise are what make us a trustworthy partner to our customers.
Rungu has set up a well-designed PC system which helps consolidate inventory, sales, production and order placement processes to reduce human errors to a minimum. Our full line of product is designed to provide our customers the best and real-time products and services at the best prices for a win-win outcome.