
材質種類:銅 (環保銅C3604、無鉛銅、磷青銅)、不銹鋼 (白鐵SUS 303/1.4305、SUS 304/1.4350、SUS316、SUS416)、鐵類(快削鋼SAE1215/SUM23、SAE 12L14/SUM24、S45C)、鋁(AL6061、AL2011、AL2024、AL7075) ,如車製電子螺絲、電子零件、內外插頭、電子開關零件、六角螺絲、墊圈螺絲、連接器用之魚叉(或稱叉型螺母、銅爪)和鉚釘、PIN、特殊訂作之車製品等等。

另外還有各類螺母、墊圈、六角間隔柱 (銅柱、鐵柱)、鉚釘、魚叉、自動車床加工、二次加工之作業。產品廣泛使用於電子、家電、傢具、玩具、五金、機械、塑膠、汽車等各行各業,少量也可以接單訂做,歡迎洽詢。

Our current product lines include various steel, iron and copper materials of products such as machined electronic screws, electronic parts, internal and external plugs, electronic switch parts, hex head cap screws, washer screws, the "harpoons" for connectors (also known as split rivets, or the "copper claws"), rivets, PIN or customized parts.

Other than that, our product line also carries various kinds of nuts, washers, standoff spacer bolts (come in copper or iron material), rivets, split screws, automatic lathe machine products and also do the post-maching and surface treatment. Our product is widely acclaimed by various industries such as the electronic industry, the appliance industry, the furniture industry, the toy industry, the hardware industry, the mechanic industry, the plastic industry, and the automobile industry.

RunGu Enterprise CO., LTD has been founded more than 20 years of manufacturing services and expertise. We will continue to provide you with innovative and accountable products and to provide domestic and international customers with the most competitive and reasonable price.


1F., No. 4, Zhong'ai St., Shulin Dist., New Taipei City 238035, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Tel:+886 2 86860954

Fax:+886 2 86862094

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